Visualization and Intelligent Systems Laboratory



Contact Information

Winston Chung Hall Room 216
University of California, Riverside
900 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92521-0425

Tel: (951)-827-3954

Bourns College of Engineering
NSF IGERT on Video Bioinformatics

UCR Collaborators:

Other Collaborators:
Keio University

Other Activities:
IEEE Biometrics Workshop 2019
IEEE Biometrics Workshop 2018
Worshop on DVSN 2009
Multibiometrics Book

Webmaster Contact Information:
Alex Shin

Last updated: July 1, 2017



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Book Chapters

  • J. Ezeobiejesi and B. Bhanu, “Latent fingerprint image segmentation using deep neural network,” A book chapter in the book on Deep Learning for Biometrics, edited by B. Bhanu and A. Kumar, Springer 2017.
  • F. Pala and B. Bhanu, “Deep triplet embedding representations for liveness detection,” A book chapter in the book on Deep Learning for Biometrics, edited by B. Bhanu and A. Kumar, Springer 2017.
  • X. Jia, X. Li, H. Du and B. Bhanu, “Local invariance representation learning algorithm with multi-layer extreme learning machine,” A Chapter in Neural Information Processing, Volume 9950, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Editors: Akira, H., Seiichi, O., Doya, K., Kazushi, I., Minho, L., Derong, L. (Eds.), 23rd International Conference, ICONIP 2016, Kyoto, Japan, October 16–21, 2016, pp. 505-513, Springer, Sept. 30, 2016.Link
  • A.C. Cruz, B. Bhanu and B.T. Le, “Human automotive interaction: Affect recognition for Motor Trend Magazine’s best driver car of the year,” A chapter in the book Emotion and Attention Recognition Based on Biological Signals and Images, edited by S. A. Hosseini, In Tech, 2016.
  • M. Kafai, L. An, K. Eshghi and B. Bhanu, “Reference-based across-pose face recognition,” A chapter in the book Advances in Face Detection and Face Image Analysis, edited by M. Kawulok, M.E. Celebi, and B. Smolka, Springer, 2016.
  • M. Kafai, K. Eshghi, L. An, and B. Bhanu, “Reference-based pose-robust face recognition,” A chapter in the book Advances in Face Detection and Facial Image Analysis, edited by M. Kawulok, M.E. Celebi, and B. Smolka, pp. 249-278, Springer 2016.
  • S. Yang, L. An and B. Bhanu, “Analyzing consumer’s zapping behavior from automated facial expression recognition,” A chapter in the book Advances in Face Detection and Face Image Analysis, edited by M. Kawulok, M.E. Celebi, and B. Smolka, Springer 2016.
  • I.E. Cabrera, A.L. Tambo, A.C. Cruz, B.X. Guan, B. Bhanu and K.A. Borkovich, “Quantitative analyses using video bioinformatics and image analysis tools during growth and development in the multicellular fungus Neurospora Crassa,” A Chapter in Video Bioinformatics – From Live Imaging to Knowledge, Edited by B. Bhanu and P. Talbot, Springer 2015. Link
  • A.L. Tambo, B. Bhanu, N. Luo and Z. Yang, “Understanding growth of pollen tube in video,” A Chapter in Video Bioinformatics – From Live Imaging to Knowledge, Edited by B. Bhanu and P. Talbot, Springer 2015. Link
  • B.X. Guan, B. Bhanu, P. Talbot and J-H. Weng, “Bio-inspired segmentation and detection methods for human embryonic stem cells,” A Chapter in Video Bioinformatics – From Live Imaging to Knowledge, Edited by B. Bhanu and P. Talbot, Springer 2015. Link
  • N.S. Thakoor, A.C. Cruz and B. Bhanu, “Video bioinformatics databases and software,” A Chapter in Video Bioinformatics – From Live Imaging to Knowledge, Edited by B. Bhanu and P. Talbot, Springer 2015. Link
  • A.C. Cruz, B. Bhanu and N.S. Thakoor, ‘Understanding of the biological process of non-verbal communication: facial motion and expression recognition,” A Chapter in Video Bioinformatics – From Live Imaging to Knowledge, Edited by B. Bhanu and P. Talbot, Springer 2015. Link
  • A. Bianchi, B. Bhanu and A. Obenaus, “High and low level contextual modeling for the detection of mild-traumatic brain injury,” A Chapter in Video Bioinformatics – From Live Imaging to Knowledge, Edited by B. Bhanu and P. Talbot, Springer 2015. Link
  • L. Feng, B. Bhanu and J. Heraty, “Identification and retrieval of moth images based on wing pattern,” A Chapter in Video Bioinformatics – From Live Imaging to Knowledge, Edited by B. Bhanu and P. Talbot, Springer 2015. Link
  • X, Chen, L. An and B. Bhanu, “Soft-biometrics and reference set integrated model for tracking across cameras,” A Chapter in Distributed Embedded Smart Cameras - Architectures, Design and Applications Edited by C. Bobda and S. Velipasalar, Springer 2014. Link
  • Z. Jin and B. Bhanu, “Exploiting crowd synthesis for multi-camera human tracking,” A chapter in Human Behavior Understanding in Networked Sensing - Theory and Applications of Networks of Sensors, Edited by P. Spagnolo, P. L. Mazzeo and C. Distante, Springer 2014 Link
  • Y. Li and B. Bhanu, "Game theoretic models for camera selection in a video network," Book Chapter in Wireless Sensors, Edited by Kris Iniewski, Springer, 2013. Link
  • K. Litomisky and B. Bhanu, "Removing moving objects from point cloud scenes," in Book Entitled, Depth Image Analysis, Editors: Jiang, Bellon, Goldgof, and Oishi. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21, Springer 2013. Link
  • P. Talbot, N. zur Nieden, S. Lin, I. Martinez, B. Guan and B. Bhanu, "Use of video bioinformatic tools in stem cell toxicology," A Chapter in the Handbook on Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine and Stem Cell Use in Toxicology, April 2013. Link
  • L. An, B. Bhanu and S. Yang, "Unified face representation for individual recognition in surveillance videos," A chapter in a book on Wide Area Surveillance: Real Time Motion Detection Systems, Edited by Vijyan Asari, Springer 2012. Link
  • Nirmalya Ghosh, Yu Sun, Christine Turenius, Bir Bhanu, Andre Obenaus and Stephen Ashwal, "Computational Analysis: A Bridge to Translational Stroke Treatment," A Translational Stroke Research, Springer Series in Translational Stroke Research, Part 7, 881-909, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-9530-8_42, 2012 Link
  • B. Bhanu and Y. Li, “Auction-based dynamic camera grouping with active control,” in Emerging Topics in Computer Vision and its Applications, edited by C. Chen, CRC Press 2011.
  • G. Denina, B. Bhanu,H. Nguyen, C. Ding, A. Kamal, C. Ravishankar, A. Roy-Chowdhury, A. Ivers, B. Varda. "VideoWeb dataset for multi-camera activities and non-verbal communication," A chapter in B. Bhanu, C. Ravishankar, A. Roy Chowdhury, D. Terzopoulos and H. Aghajan, (Eds) Distributed Video Sensor Networks, Springer 2011, Pages 335-347 Link
  • H. Nguyen and B. Bhanu, "Videoweb- optimizing a wireless camera network for surveillance," B. Bhanu, C. Ravishankar, A. Roy Chowdhury, D. Terzopoulos and H. Aghajan, (Eds), "Distributed Video Sensor Networks," Springer, 2011. Link
  • B. Bhanu and Y. Li, "A comparison of techniques for camera selection and handoff in a video network," B. Bhanu, C. Ravishankar, A. Roy Chowdhury, D. Terzopoulos and H. Aghajan, (Eds), "Distributed Video Sensor Networks," Springer, 2011.
  • B. Bhanu and A. Roy-Chodhury, "Report of NSF/ONR/ARO workshop on Distributed Video Sensor Networks," A chapter in B. Bhanu, C. Ravishankar, A. Roy Chowdhury, D. Terzopoulos and H. Aghajan, (Eds), Distributed Video Sensor Networks, Springer, 2011. Link
  • B. Bhanu, "Ear shape for biometric identification," A Chapter in Encyclopedia on Cryptography and Security, Edited by S. Jajodia and H. Tilborg, Springer 2010. 12 manuscript pages.
  • K. Yamauchi, B. Bhanu, and H. Saito, "Multiple projector-camera system for three-dimensional gait recognition," In Multibiometrics for Human Identification, Edited by B. Bhanu and V. Govindaraju, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 40 manuscript pages.
  • R. Wang and B. Bhanu, "Predicting fusion performance of biometrics," in Multibiometrics for Human Identification, Edited by B. Bhanu and V. Govindaraju, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 30 manuscript pages.
  • B. Bhanu and Y. Li, "Bargaining Strategies for Camera Selection in a Video Network," A book Chapter in Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking, edited by Y. Zhang and M. Guizani, CRC Press, 2009. Chapter 10, 27 pages.
  • B. Bhanu and Y. Li, "Dynamic camera assignment and hand-off, A Chapter in book on Intelligent Video Surveillance: Systems and Technology, Edited by Y. Ma and G. Qian, pp. 337-371, IGI Global, 2009.
  • X. Zhou and B. Bhanu, "Multi-modal biometrics fusion for human recognition in video," A Chapter in book on Behavioral Biometrics for Human Identification: Intelligent Applications, Edited by L. Wang and X. Geng, Chapter 19, pp. 414-447, IGI Global, August 2009. Link
  • B. Bhanu and J. Han, "Activity and individual human recognition in infrared imagery," A Chapter in Behavioral Biometrics for Human Identification: Intelligent Applications, Edited by L. Wang and X. Geng, Chap 11, pp. 224-236, IGI Global, August 2009. Link
  • X. Tan, B. Bhanu, and R. Wang, "A comparison of classification- and indexing-based approaches for fingerprint identification," A chapter in Biometrics: fundamentals, theory, and systems, Edited by N. V. Boulgouris, K. N. Plataniotis, and L. Micheli-Tzanakou, Editors, Wiley-IEEE Press, pp. 367-384, October 2009. Link
  • R. Wang and B. Bhanu, ''Fingerprint identification,'' in Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, Edited by B.W. Wah, Volume 2, pages 1244-1252, 2009. Link
  • B. Bhanu and H. Chen, "3D Ear Biometrics," in Encyclopedia of Biometrics, 8 printed pages, Edited by S.Z. Li, Springer 2009. Link
  • B. Bhanu and R. Wang, ''Learning a statistical model for performance prediction in case-based reasoning,'' A Chapter in Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, Springer, P. Perner (Ed.), pp. 195-212, Springer 2007. Link
  • X. Zhou and B. Bhanu, "Human recognition at a distance in video by integrating face profile and gait," Book Chapter in Face Biometrics for Personal Identification, R.I. Hammoud, B.R. Abidi and M.A. Abidi (Eds.), pp. 165-181, Springer 2007. Link
  • A. Dong and B. Bhanu, "Evolutionary feature synthesis for image databases," Book Chapter in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for Image Processing and Analysis, pp. 325-344, edited by S. Cagnoni, E. Lutton, G. Olague, Hindawi, 2006. Link
  • H. Chen and B. Bhanu, "Human ear detection from 3D side face range images, 3D Imaging for Safety and Security," Book Chapter, A. Koschan, M. Abidi, and M. Pollefeys (Eds.), Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp.133-155, 2006. Link
  • B. Bhanu and S. Nadimi, "Evolutionary sensor fusion for security," Chapter in Optical Imaging, Sensors, and Systems for Homeland Security Applications, (B. Javidi, Editor), pp. 245-269, Springer 2006. Link
  • B. Bhanu, B. and G. Jones, "Methods for improving the performance of a SAR recognition system," Chapter In Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum, B. Bhanu and I. Pavilidis, (Eds.), pp. 39-69, Springer 2004. Link
  • M. Boshra and B. Bhanu, "A theoretical framework for predicting performance of object recognition," Chapter In Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum, B. Bhanu and I. Pavilidis, (Eds.), pp. 1-37, Springer 2004. Link
  • B. Bhanu, Y. Lin and B. Tian, "Recognition of occluded objects in SAR images," In Pattern Recognition and String Matching, D. Chen and X. Cheng, (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. Link
  • K. Krawiec and B. Bhanu, "Coevolutionary feature learning for object recognition," In Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, P. Perner, (Ed.) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 2734, pp. 224-238, Springer Verlag, Berlin, July 2003. Link
  • B. Bhanu and S. Fonder, "Learning-integrated interactive image segmentation," In Advances in Evolutionary Computing - Theory and Applications, A. Ghosh and S. Tsutsui, (Eds.), pp. 863-896, Springer, 2002. Link
  • B. Bhanu and A. Dong, "Concept learning with fuzzy clustering and relevance feedback," In Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, P. Perner, (Ed.), pp. 102-116, Springer, July 2001. Link
  • B. Bhanu and G. Jones, "Recognizing objects in SAR images," In Image Recognition and Classification: Algorithms, Systems and Applications, B. Javidi, (Ed.), pp. 61-100, Marcel Dekker, 2001. Link
  • B. Bhanu and Y. Lin, "Stochastic models for recognition of occluded objects," In Advances in Pattern Recognition, F.J. Ferri, J.M. Inesta, A. Amin and P. Pudil, (Eds.), pp. 560-570, Springer, 2000. Link
  • G. Jones III. and B. Bhanu, "Recognition of articulated objects in SAR images," In Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, H-H Nagel and F.J. Perales, (Eds.), Lopez, pp. 96-107, Springer, 2000. Link
  • J. Peng and B. Bhanu, "Independent feature analysis for image retrieval," In Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, P. Perner and M. Petrou, (Eds.), pp. 103-115, Springer, 1999. Link
  • G. Sudhir and B. Bhanu, "Database-retrieval oriented approach for model-based object recognition," In International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, S. Singh, (Ed.), pp. 23-32, Springer, 1999. Link
  • J. Peng and B. Bhanu, "Pattern classification based on local learning," In Advances in Pattern Recognition, A. Amin, D, Dori, P. Pudil and H. Freeman, (Eds.), pp. 882-889, Springer, 1998. Link
  • B. Bhanu, X. Wu and S. Lee, "Genetic algorithms for adaptive image segmentation," In S. Nayar and T. Poggio, (Eds.), Early Visual Processing, Chapter 11, pp. 269-298, Oxford University Press, 1996. Link
  • S. Das, B. Bhanu, X. Wu and N. Braithwaite, "Qualitative recognition of aircraft in perspective aerial imagery," In J.L.C. Sanz, (Ed.), Image Technology, pp. 475-518, Springer-Verlag, 1996. Link
  • J. Ming and B. Bhanu, "A multistrategy learning approach for target model recognition, acquisition and refinement," In H. Nasr, (Ed.), Selected Papers on Automatic Target Recognition, SPIE Milestone Series, Vol. MS 41, pp. 525-539, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1991. Link
  • B. Bhanu, T. Henderson and S. Thomas, "Vision analysis using computer aided geometric models," In Ragsdell and Sandgren (Eds.), CAD/CAM Robotics and Automation, pp. 1-25, 1987. Link
  • T. Henderson, B. Bhanu and C. Hansen, "Intrinsic characteristics as the interface between CAD and machine vision systems," In P.A. Devijver and J. Kittler (Eds.), Pattern Recognition Theory and Applications, Vol. F30, pp. 461-470, Springer-Verlag. Link
  • B. Bhanu and O. Faugeras, "Shape matching of two-dimensional objects," In R. Chellappa and S. Sawchuk, (Eds.), Digital Image Processing and Analysis: Vol. 2, Analysis pp. 156-175, IEEE Press Book. Link 2024 Kağıthane evden eve nakliyat deneme bonusu veren siteler deneme bonusu veren siteler nakliyat canlı tv izle casinoslot giriş 1xbet Giriş Perabet Giriş Deneme Bonusu Forum mobil okey deneme bonusu deneme bonusu bonus veren siteler bonus veren siteler yuupa melbet giriş casino siteleri sultanbet grandpashabet deneme bonusu veren siteler Deneme Bonusu Deneme bonusu veren siteler Bonus veren bahis siteleri Casino siteleri Freespin Deneme Bonusu Betz 1 Deneme bonusu veren siteler Bonus veren bahis siteleri Casino siteleri Freespin Yatırımsız deneme bonusu Freebet veren siteler Çevrimsiz deneme bonusu veren siteler Slot casino Deneme bonusu forum Deneme bonusu Deneme bonusu veren siteler Bahis forum Forum bahis Bahis forumu Banko tahmin melbet melbet giriş olabahis.infoYatırımsız deneme bonusu Freebet veren siteler Çevrimsiz deneme bonusu veren siteler Slot casino Deneme bonusu forum deneme bonusu istanbul evden eve nakliyat bovbet giriş pendik escort anadolu yakası escort şişli escort bodrum escort وان ایکس بت بت فوروارد