Technical Program, CVPR 2014 Biometrics Workshop (23 June 2014)
S1 Extended Poster Spotlights I (1:00-1:40pm), Session Chair: Ross Beveridge (Colorado State University, USA)
11 Hallucinating the Full Face from the Periocular Region via Dimensionally Weighted K-SVD (1:00-1:05pm)
Felix Juefei-Xu (Carnegie Mellon University), Dipan Pal (Carnegie Mellon University), Marios Savvides (Carnegie Mellon University)
17 Improving 3D Surface Details based on Normal Map of Hetero-source Images (1:05-1:10pm)
Chang Yang (Tsinghua University), Jiansheng Chen (Tsinghua University),  Nan Su (Tsinghua University),  Guangda Su (Tsinghua University) 
19 Globality-Locality Preserving Projections for Biometric Data Dimensionality Reduction (1:10-1:15pm)
Sheng Huang (Chongqing University), Ahmed Elgammal (Rutgers University), Luwen Huangfu (HTC Beijing ATRC), Dan Yang (Chongqing University), Xiaohong Zhang (Chongqing University)
30 Robust Low-Rank Regularized Regression for Face Recognition with Occlusion (1:15-1:20pm)
Jianjun Qian (Nanjing University of Science and Technology), Jian Yang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology),  Fanlong Zhang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology), Zhouchen Lin (Peking University)
34 Natural vs Artificial Face Classification using Uniform Local Directional Patterns and Wavelet Uniform Local Directional Patterns (1:20-1:25pm)
Darryl D'Souza (University of Louisville), Roman Yampolskiy (University of Louisville)
42 Landmark Based Facial Component Reconstruction for Recognition Across Pose (1:25-1:30pm)
Gee Sern Hsu (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Hsiao-Chia Peng (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Kai-Hsiang Chang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
10 Effect of Pupil Dilation and Constriction on the Distribution of Bit Errors within the Iris (1:30-1:35pm)
Inmaculada Tomeo-Reyes (Queensland University of Technology), Vinod Chandran (Queensland University of Technology)
14 Optimization of Iris Codes for Improved Recognition (1:35-1:40pm)
Nitin Mahadeo (Monash University), Andrew Paplinski (Monash University), Sid Ray (Monash University) 
  Invited Talk (1:40pm to 2:30pm), Session Chair: Bir Bhanu (University of California Riverside, USA)  
S2             Title: Object Detection with Deep Neural Network  
                Dumitru rem Erhan, Google, USA  
S3 Extended Poster Spotlights II (2:30-3:10pm), Session Chair: Patrick J. Flynn (University of Notre Dame, USA)
6 Reliable Posterior Probability Estimation for Streaming Face Recognition (2:30-2:35pm)
Abhijit Bendale (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs), Terrance Boult (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs)
9 Learning Minutiae Neighborhoods : A New Binary Representation for Matching Fingerprints (2:35-2:40m)
Akhil Vij  (IIIT Hydrabad),  Anoop Namboodiri (IIIT Hydrabad)
32 Performance Improvement of Phase-Based Correspondence Matching for Palmprint Recognition (2:40-2:45pm)
Vincent Roux (Institut Supérieur d¡¦Électronique de Paris), Shoichiro Aoyama (Tohoku University), Koichi Ito (Tohoku University), Takafumi Aoki (Tohoku University)
55 A General Approach for Singular Point Extraction Based on Complex Polynomial Model (2:45-2:50m)
Jin Qi (Georgia regents univeristy), suxing Liu (Georgia regents univeristy), zhiyong yang (Georgia regents univeristy)
62 Secure Fingerprint Matching with Generic Local Structures (2:50-2:55pm)
Matthew Morse (SUNY Buffalo), Jesse Hartloff (SUNY Buffalo), Thomas Effland (SUNY Buffalo), Jim Schuler (SUNY Buffalo), Jennifer Cordaro (SUNY Buffalo), 
Jennifer Cordaro (SUNY Buffalo), Sergey Tulyakov (SUNY Buffalo), Atri Rudra (SUNY Buffalo), Venu Govindaraju (SUNY Buffalo)
57 The Value of Multiple Viewpoints in Gesture-Based User Authentication (2:55-3:00pm)
Jonathan Wu (Boston University), Janusz Konrad (Boston University), Prakash Ishwar (Boston University)
59 Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Accelerometer Measurements (3:00-3:05pm)
Abena Primo (Louisiana Tech University), Vir Phoha (Louisiana Tech University), Rajesh Kumar (Louisiana Tech University), Abdul Serwadda (Louisiana Tech University) 
66 Can we use Second Minor Finger Knuckle Patterns to Identify Humans? (3:05-3:10pm)
Ajay Kumar (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Zhihuan Xu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 
- Invited spotlight/poster presentation for new updates on 'Deep learningace representation from predicting 10,000 classes.'
Y. Sun, X. Wang, and X. Tang (CUHK, Hong Kong) 
S4 Poster Session along with Coffee Break (3:10-4:00pm)  
  Invited Talk (4:00pm to 4:50pm), Session Chair: Jonathan Phillips (NIST, USA)  
S5             Title: Face Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks: Vulnerabilities, Countermeasures, Open Issues and Research Directions  
                Abdenour Hadid, University of Oulu, Finland  
S6 Valedictory, Awards and Closing Remarks (4:50-5:00pm)  
  All the accepted papers are to be presented as posters;
All the posters for the respective papers should be displayed in the poster area by 1:00pm and can remain at the venue until 5:00pm;
The instructions for preparing posters will be available on the workshop website very soon;
Extended Poster Spotlight Presentation - 5 Minutes (270 Seconds Presentation + 30 Seconds Speaker Interchange/Setup).